VFW Membership Eligibility Qualifications

Post #9095 District 13

The W. Carl Reed Post is located at:
1121 Gamble Road, Little Rock, Arkansas 72211
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4284 Little Rock, Arkansas 72214-4284
(501) 225-9849 Canteen. (501) 224-8037 Office. (501) 224-8037 FAX.

VFW objectives are to secure the national security through maximum military strength; to speed the rehablitaion of the nation's disabled and needy veteran; to assist the widows and orphans and the dependents of disabled and needy veterans; and to promote Americanism through education in patriotism and constructive service to the communities in which we live.


to join, please print this page and mail it to:

VFW National Headquarters
406 W. 34th Street
Kansas City, Mo 64111




   Check one:                      Check one:

___Army      ___WWII      ___Expeditionary
___Navy     ___Korea      ___Occupation

       7/1/49 to present)     ___CIB/CMB

___Air Force
___Marines___  ___Vietnam         __Combat Action 

___Coast Guard __Desert Storm      __Other


Service #______________________________

Overseas service from_________________to________ 
Name of Campaign Ribbon or Medal_________________
Note:Ribbon or Medal not required for service in Korea)
    Date of Birth:_____________SS#______________

 ___Annual - $20 or ___Life Membership $______

Method of payment:

 ___Check enclosed (payable to Veterans
 of Foreign Wars.)
___Charge my credit card:

___master card  ___VISA  ___Discover

Card Number:_________________________

Exp. date:________________________________

I certify that I am a citizen of the United States, that my U.S. Military Service was honorable,
 that I have never subsequently been discharged under other than honorable conditions, and that
 I believe in God. I also certify that (1)I am entitled to a campaign ribbon  or medal authorized
 by the U.S. Government based on my overseas service or; (2)I have served overseas in Korea. 
 I further give authority to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States to verify my 
entitlement to  membership.

Date signed      
Signature of Applicant                    Telephone No.

OBLIGATION In the presence of Almighty God, I do, of my own free will and accord, solemnly promise and declare that: I will bear true allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America and I will always be loyal thereto. I do further solemnly promise and declare that I will comply with the Congressional Charter, By-Laws and Ritual of this order and I will always be loyal there to that I will never wrong or defraud this organization nor a member thereof nor permit any wrong to be done to either if in my power to prevent it. I will never propose for membership any person not eligible according to our Congressional Charter nor one whom I know to be unworthy. I will never make known to anyone not authorized to receive it any of the work of this order. Should my affiliation with the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States cease in any way I will consider this pledge as binding outside of the order as though I had remained a member of same.

All this I promise and pledge upon the honor of a true comrade and a citizen of our great republic.



 Through 30           $245.00
  31 - 40             $235.00
  41 - 50             $215.00
  51 - 60             $195.00
  61 - 70             $165.00
  71 - 80             $125.00
81 and over           $ 85.00

The applicable fee from the life membership fee schedule set forth herein will be determined 
using the applicant's attained age as of December 31st of the current calendar year in which 
the application is submitted regardless of actual date of birth.

The annual dues of each member includes a year's subscription to The VFW Magazine, official 
publication of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S.  Each applicant, upon acceptance, will
 be so notified and furnished with an official dues receipt showing membership for the year 
for which dues or Life membership fees have been paid.

Service entitling the applicant to the award of a recognized campaign medal as indicated on 
his or her discharge papers or as set forth in the Congressional Charter and/or By-Laws.

If you are unsure as to whether you are eligible you may contact Ron at ronl@aristotle.net 

 Membership eligibility in the VFW is based on honorable service with the U.S. armed forces 
between no matter where you are located you are eligible for membership, You may see the list of
 VFW Posts near you in Arkansas. Just click here to find a post near You. Our Post #9095 annual 
dues are 14 dollar, one of the lowest annual membership dues in Arkansas Your cost per year is 
$20.00 and includes a $1000/$1500 accidental death insurance policy. 

 You will also receive the VFW magazine each month, 3 months, and the post newsletter every
 2 months. If you wish to join our post just print and fill out the membership form and return 
it to me, Along with your remittance of $14.00 You must enclose a copy of your DD214 (discharge)
 this is required. Join us now if you think it's time to join the oldest Veterans organization 
 in the U.S.A.

The Ladies auxiliary to the Post #9095 would also like to invite you into its membership.  
If you are a mother, wife, daughter, step-daughter, sister, or grand daughter of an eligible 
veteran, then you can join the Ladies Auxiliary.

Our Country

For More Information E-Mail Ron Helton here.

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